Welcome to UC ON CALL

If the above method does not work, click the button below to copy the file location (\\utmck.edu\uhsdata\Cardiology\Apps\UC Physician Rounding Utility.exe) to your clipboard. Then, click the Start button in Windows (bottom left corner of your screen), press Ctrl + V to paste the file location, and press Enter.

Schedules Menu -> View the call schedules for attendings, residents, office staff, front desk, cath lab, teaching rounds, attending holiday schedules, assign patients to the inpatient services, Open EP Lab Time, Open Cath Lab Time, Imaging Participation List etc.
Software Utilities -> open the rounding utility, Imaging Billing Utility, download utilities for billing, hospital list, reading EKGs, connecting to VPN/EMR
Instructions -> How to setup PowerChart for use with hospital list utility, Cath Lab Calendar instructions, Listmaker instructions, connecting to UTMCK from home, Weekend NP Discharge Instructions, Inpatient Service System Update 2023
Information -> Billing Cheat Sheets, ICD Decision Tool, Watchman Decision Tool, Echo Parameters, Holding Weight Loss/Diabetes Drugs before Procedures
Teaching -> EKG Curriculum, Teaching Rounds Schedule, UTMCK GSM Pulse, UTMCK MedHub, Research Project Hub (default password is Dr. Mahlow), EP Boot Camp Lectures, EP Core Lectures
Links -> Citrix Workspace, Open NEW Centricity/CPS, ASAP/Referral List (UTMCK Network Only), Inpatient Service Assigner (UTMCK Network Only), Patient Transfer Board (UTMCK Network Only), Recently Discharged Patients (UTMCK Network Only), Imaging Billing Utility, FAST ICD-10, The Pacebook (UTMCK Network Only), Echo/Cath reading (UTMCK Network Only), Echo Feedback Utility (UTMCK Network Only), Paced-MRI, Paced-OP
Inpatient Service Links -> Inpatient Service Assigner (UTMCK Network Only), Patient Transfer Board (UTMCK Network Only), Quarterback PerfectServe Account, Recently Discharged Patients (UTMCK Network Only), Inpatient Service Instructions, Demo Videos for Setting up CORES and Adding Patients to CORES (UTMCK Network Only), Instructions for Listmakers (Robbie Williamson, etc.)

For the Hospital Rounding List Excel File, please navigate to the directory \\utmck.edu\uhsdata\Cardiology\Data\Backup Files\Hospital Rounding Lists and choose the most recently added Excel file.